Resolve ‘stuck’ emotions with Time Line Therapy®
Resolve ‘stuck’ emotions with Time Line Therapy®. Please note, I usually deliver Time Line Therapy® as part of a Sense-Ability Therapy Pathway.
Cher famously sang, ‘If I could turn back time…?’
(C) Unsplash @ian_.__ | Waving not drowning?
We know we can’t turn back time of course. There’s no opportunity to change the events of the past. However, it’s possible to change the way memories are stored and recalled, removing painful associations and turning memories into narratives over which you have control.
Gaining emotional control
Time Line Therapy® is a process that helps people gain emotional control over their life.
It’s most effective in helping people resolve self-limiting beliefs that hold them back, for example ‘imposter syndrome’ where you never feel good enough, however much you achieve, unresolved anger issues, and overwhelming negative emotions triggered by current events but rooted in our pasts.
Changing emotional responses
Inappropriate emotional reactions, such as irrational anger, unexplained bouts of apathy, low level but persistent depression, sadness, anxiety, and chronic fear, particularly when these are not proportionate to the events in our lives, are often released through Time Line (TM) Therapy quickly. This can be true whether the client can or cannot recall the specific memories that triggered these feelings. The best thing is, there’s no need to relive or recount the specifics of any traumatic memory in order to reduce or eliminate the emotional impact of a memory or part experience.
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy and Rewind Trauma Therapy can achieve similar outcomes but here I am focusing on Time Line (TM) Therapy which specifically addresses stuck emotions. You can click on other Sense-Ability therapies here.
Life limiting views
Many people hold life limiting views about themselves, such as ‘I’m not good enough,’ ‘I’ll never be financially secure’ or ‘I don’t deserve a great relationship’.
Time Line Therapy® can produce long-lasting transformations quickly and easily. Deeply held emotions are released in the following order: anger, sadness, fear, guilt or shame usually resulting in fast, effective, long-term changes in behaviour.
Changing patterns of behaviour
My client Tessa* had a history of choosing unavailable partners. Following a session of Time Line Therapy®, Tessa was amazed to find that her feelings about these past relationships changed dramatically.
Tessa’s story
Tessa had been repeating patterns from her childhood where the fear of being hurt or abandoned meant she picked unavailable partners, or made herself unavailable.
Time Line Therapy stopped Tessa ruminating on the past and broke the connection with those early associations. She felt able to focus on her own achievements and abilities again, and she began to enjoy life as a single person much more. The need to be validated by a partner disappeared so she ‘felt liberated’.
She continued with Solution Focused Hypnotherapy to help her define the relationship she wanted and to describe in detail how she wanted be treated in future, something she was unable to define before. This bright, bubbly and engaging woman soon found the right partner; someone who is an equal partner, who respect and cares about her but is neither ‘saving’ nor controlling her.
Shifting sadness, anger and shame
After Time Line Therapy®, Rachel* was equally amazed to feel anger, sadness and shame disappear after two sessions of TLT. She had carried anger, hurt and shame from her childhood and felt she was easily hurt and often inappropriately angry or frustrated.
Rachel’s story
The Time Line Therapy® caused a shift in Rachel’s thinking and her emotional responses. We did the process twice. The first time anger, sadness, fear and shame were released from her childhood. The second session focused on perceived inter-generational and genetic traumas. The process uses the metaphorical framework of the imagined time line and we explored ‘previous lives’ or deep emotions that seem to be so deep rooted they can’t be accessed through memory.
Rachel was a very rational and well trained professional but she willingly suspended her disbelief to follow the process, experiencing instant relief from anger, fear and hurt.
Respecting my client’s model of the world
I work with clients whose limiting beliefs are rooted in childhood, the result of a negative relationship, perceived to be from a previous life or inter-generational trauma. I respect my clients’ model of the world and belief system and only helping clients change those belief systems that they experience as negative and unpleasant.
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How does Time Line Therapy work?
My clients create an imaginary time line while in a deeply relaxed state and identify where specific strong memories sit on that time line. Through a series of actions, the unwanted emotion associated with the earliest event on the timeline is removed or reduced until it has little or no impact.
Often an early event is not recalled in detail but the client has an awareness of the strong emotion and the event that is attached to it - early abandonment or public shaming for example. The memory may be clear and easy to visualise, or dim and distant. Either way the process can be hugely effective.
Not for CPTSD or PTSD
Time Line Therapy® isn’t suitable for PTSD or CPTSD. Please ask about Trauma Rewind Therapy in this instance.
Strong emotions are normal
Note that Time Line Therapy® doesn’t mean you won’t feel strong emotions again! Anger, sadness, and fear are normal healthy emotions. However, the aim is that clients will experience appropriate emotions related to the events happening in the here and now, not emotions triggered from the past.
Fulfil your Potential
Time Line Therapy techniques often allow clients to fulfil their potential and become their best version of themselves. There are no guarantees as we are all unique and store and process trauma, pain and emotions differently but in my experience Time Line Therapy can shift unwanted emotions that keep resurfacing very effectively in most cases.
For more information contact:
Jane Pendry, or on 07843 813 883.
*I do not use my clients real names without their express permission. Both ‘Tessa’ and ‘Rachel’ reported huge personal shifts and emotional releases with Time Line Therapy® and both also undertook Solution Focused Hypnotherapy to help them build their preferred futures. Their stories involved past trauma and issues of a personal nature so they wish to remain anonymous.
Picture courtesy of
Jane Pendry
Solution Focused Hypnotherapist & Coach
07843 813 883