How Can I Create the Life I Want?
Jane Pendry
DSFH, HPD; Reg CNHC, AfSFH, MNCH, ABNLP, ABH, IARTT; BA Hons (London), PGCE (Cantab), Three Best Rated Hypnotherapist, Oxford, 2023
Online across the U.K. & Europe
The Sense-Ability Create Your Best Life Pathway
With Sense-Ability Hypno-Coaching
Explore your best hopes, discover what you really need to thrive; uncover your true motivations; take firm steady steps forward to create the life you want, and become your best version of yourself.
This is the ideal process when you have had counselling or traditional talking therapies, and feel you are all talked out. You understand what happened, and why, and you are ready to move on now. Sense-Ability Solution Focused Coaching can help.
Becoming your true self
Sense-Ability Coaching and Hypno-Coaching is for people who lack confidence because of limiting beliefs and negative messages from the past; including people who have recovered, or are recovering from, trauma, gaslighting, coercive control, bullying, abandonment and displacement.
Solution Focused approaches aim to help you explore your authentic values, beliefs and motivations, and to identify just what you want and need. Once you feel you have identified the outcomes you want, the Sense-Ability Coaching process helps you take steady steps towards your preferred future.
What would your life look like?
Imagine living authentically according to your values and beliefs, feeling your needs are met, your relationships are healthy, your work is rewarding and meaningful, and you have an enjoyable social life and engaging hobbies.
I specialise in supporting people who have largely recovered from childhood trauma, toxic relationships involving coercive control or gaslighting, bullying and harassment at work, complex phobias and traumas.
When you have lost your personal agency for so long for any reason, it can be hard to imagine your future or to know what you need or want, or even who you truly are.
Solution Focused Coaching and Hypno-Coaching can help you imagine, create and rehearse the person you truly are; the person you seek to be.
Sense-Ability Coaching helps you:
Resolve the things that hold you back from being your authentic self.
Identify your Best Hopes
Create your Preferred Future, one steady step at a time
Transform your life at your pace, aligned with your beliefs, values and motivations
“Combining Solution Focused thinking with the power of hypnotherapy, you can imagine and rehearse the person you will be when your preferred future has been realised. Then your subconscious mind knows what you want and can get you there. ”
What do you really want?
You may have heard about manifesting your destiny - the idea you can attract your needs and desires in to your life.
There’s an element of truth to that. But a word of caution. Saying you will win the lottery repeatedly is not going to make it happen. Falling in to patterns of magical thinking keeps you stuck in a state of hope and blind optimism. You can’t move forward.
The Ferrari Conundrum
If someone dreams of owning a Ferrari because you have extraordinary driving skills, love engineering and enjoy speed, it’s great authentic goal.
If they want a Ferrari because they think it will bring them status, power or a beautiful wife, the goal is not authentic.
Even if they were to achieve it, it’s unlikely to bring lasting happiness.
Creating the life you want starts with uncovering your deepest motivations, needs and hopes.
The Power of Solution-Focused Thinking
Solution Focused questions start with Best Hopes, not goals or objectives. Why?
Goals can be inauthentic. We often set goals driven by competition, the expectation of others’ conditioning and fear.
“Structured questions lead to an experiential picture of how your life will be when you get in touch with your authentic motivations. We call this your Preferred Future.”
Best Hopes
Your Best Hopes are what you truly hope your life will be like when you complete the coaching process.
What will we be doing?
Where will we be living?
What sort of person might we be sharing your life with?
Your authentic self
When your authentic self aligns with your hopes and wishes, you are telling your subconscious mind what you DO want, not what you don’t want.
Core values and beliefs
By exploring your core values, beliefs and motivations, you ensure your Best Hopes lead to meaningful outcomes.
Your Preferred Future
Structured Solution Focused questions lead to an experiential picture of how your life will be when you realise your Best Hopes. We call this your Preferred Future.
The Sense-Ability Coaching Process
Do you have self limiting beliefs? Do you carry any fears or traumas?
Resolving what you don’t want
We identify the things you want to resolve. Old traumas or phobias, irrational fears, past relationships, anxiety and low mood, or just not feeling you know who your authentic self is beneath the conditioning.
Incremental change and steady progress
Let’s say your Preferred Future is on a scale of zerio to 10. Zero is as far away from that Preferred Future as you can imagine. Then we ask: “Where are you now on the scale?” We explore what elements of your life are working well, and what you need to resolve or change to keep moving along the scale.
Creating your Preferred Future
Through scaling your learn to create steady, incremental progress towards manifesting your Preferred Future. Here the word manifesting is appropriate as there is no force or pushing. We work with your natural skills and attributes, energy levels and motivation, to create the right patterns of thinking, habits and behaviours that will inexorably take you towards your preferred future.
“I found the goal setting exercise a fascinating experience and it has changed my perception of this practice. Every time I read my goal out loud I can literally feel the emotions of the experience I’m reading, which for me is a new step as I am highly audio digital, logical and analytical and normally find getting in touch with my emotions difficult. Thank you so much Jane.”
Embedding new behaviours
Do we ever realise our Best Hopes? The Sense-Ability Coaching process will create new healthy habits and patterns of thinking. You will discover your authentic motivations, and learn to live resolutely in the present even while realising for your Preferred Future.
Once your subconscious mind knows what you want - importantly not what you don’t want - all the decisions you make will take you forward in the right direction.
In Hypno-Coaching, Hypnosis combined with Ericksonian suggestions - not commands that your subconscious might resist - creates a powerful process of change and transformation where you remain totally in control.
Progress at your pace
You progress at your pace - slowly and steadily or rapidly and dynamically. Whatever is right for you. The aim is to create a process through which you make continued, sustained and incremental progress towards your realising your Best Hopes leading to greater happiness, increased fulfilment and improved mental health.
Become the best version of yourself with Sense-Ability Hypno-Coaching
For more information:
See Case Study: Hypnotherapy & Coaching to Change your Life and explore Sense-Ability Articles
Jane Pendry
Sense-Ability Hypnotherapy & Coaching
Wheatley, Oxford, OX33 1XJ
+44 (0)7843 813 883
Photos (c) Unsplash