Sense-Ability Hypnotherapy & Coaching
Sense-Ability Therapies
Resolve. Heal. Flourish
Jane Pendry
Solution Focused Hypnotherapist & Coach
Compassionate, supportive Solution Focused therapist
Online therapy across U.K. & Europe
The Sense-Ability Solution Focused process includes:
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy
Ericksonian and Parts Hypnosis
Rewind Trauma Therapy
Parts and Root Cause Hypnotherapy
NLP Coaching & Hypno-Coaching
Time-Line Therapy™ & EFT Tapping
What are Sense-Ability Pathways?
Sense-Ability Pathways, developed by international, multiple award-winning hypnotherapist Jane Pendry, are all rooted in Solution Focused Hypnotherapy or SFH.
With a focus on specific more complex issues, Jane blends SFH with accessible somatic (body and mind) practices - eg
breathing exercises
simple mindfulness practices
EFT Tapping and affirmations
Bi-lateral stimulation
Sense-Ability Pathways help people recover from trauma, neglect, bullying, coercive control, gaslighting and life changing events
Jane also utilises Rewind Trauma Therapy, Time Line (TM) Therapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Parts Hypnotherapy, Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing an Inner Child hypnotherapy as required.
Sense-Ability’s tailored blend of approaches empowers you to regulate your emotions fast, speeding up the healing process and giving you more control over your actions and reactions as you recover, heal and grow.
Jane adapts her approach to deal with any issues that are blocking progress eg shame, abandonment or intellect!
See below for further details of these therapies.
What is Solution Focused Hypnotherapy?
Neuroscience - the study of the brain and nervous system - explains why these outcomes for hypnotherapy are so outstanding.
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is an established therapy with its own accrediting body that ensures the highest ethical standards.
SFH combines key elements of evidence-based Solution Focused Brief Therapy or SFBT with clinical suggestion-based hypnotherapy.
For many clients with anxiety, insomnia and stress, or who are experiencing burn out, this empowering form of hypnotherapy gets fast results.
SFBT is a progressive, future-focused therapy founded in the 1970s.
A body of research demonstrates SFBT often has faster, more successful outcomes than traditional talking therapies.
Combining the two most effective components of these powerful therapies means quicker, sustained outcomes.
SFH empowers my clients to resolve past fears, traumas and complex phobias; and to imagine, create and manifest a flourishing future aligned with their beliefs, values and motivations.
Helping clients create lasting change
As a trained and accredited Solution Focused Hypnotherapist, Jane gently induced a deeply relaxed, safe, natural and receptive alpha brain wave state, known as hypnotic trance, that enables clients to access their subconscious and create the change they want at the deepest level.
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy also utilises the power of metaphors; stories our subconscious minds can interpret, synthesise and process to create and embed change.
Direct suggestions
Jane may also use fast inductions and direct commands - with clients’ express permission - to resolve more straight-forward issues such as breaking bad habits, changing behaviours, stopping smoking or preparing for specific issues such as exams, interviews, presentations, performances or weddings.
What is Hypnotherapy for PTSD - the Military Method?
Sarah Yuen Gilliat developed Hypnotherapy for PTSD - the Military Method following two years of being embedded in military units in the Afghan war. As an experienced and intrepid journalist, Sarah was embedded with a military unit in Afghanistan.
Seeing the impact of war trauma, left untreated, ignored and dismissed, Sarah was moved to take action. She researched how war trauma had been addressed in the past, and found hypnotherapy had been proven to be the most effective approach.
Sarah retrained as a hypnotherapist and developed a protocol to deal with even the most extreme traumas.
After receiving MOD approval, Sarah undertook a small trial with extremely positive outcomes. She has since successfully treated hundreds of veterans, first responders and police.
The Military Method Protocol includes Root Cause and Parts Hypnotherapy to resolve complex, deep-rooted childhood trauma and neglect.
Sessions are much longer. The aim is to get clients in to a state a hypnogogic state in order to find the root cause of the trauma. Once the root has been found, and resolved at unconscious level, clients invariably resolve all the trauma symptoms related to it.
Veterans who suffer from war trauma, she discovered, were already carrying childhood trauma. Resolving the earlier trauma, resolved the war trauma. This protocol therefore is ideal for helping clients address childhood abuse, trauma and neglect.
NB: Where clients are under the care of a psychiatrist, Jane may need to contact them to ensure Sense-Abilities are not contra-indicated.
What is Solution Focused Brief Therapy?
Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) is a tried and tested psychotherapeutic process. Carefully framed questions draw out strengths and resources which gently moves people away from focusing on problems, and eases them towards becoming solution focused.
Results are usually lasting. Clients experience benefits relatively quickly.
The SFBT process helps forge new synapses or neurological connections to change the way you process and interpret information.
Empirical outcome research, including over 150 randomized clinical trials (RCTs), eight meta-analyses, and a number of systematic reviews, conclude that SFBT is an effective approach to treating psychological problems.
Benefits of SFBT are experienced relatively quickly, and in far fewer sessions than traditional psychotherapy. The approach is considered less intrusive and more benign than many others a.
The client always remains in control.
We are psychologically and genetically unique.
Solution Focused approaches are far from ‘toxic positivity’ which can do so much harm. Being in control of a process of change is critical if we are to achieve successful, lasting outcomes.
SFBT gives people back personal agency - control over the rate and pace of change. Some progress rapidly, others take longer as they process old wounds and traumas, grieve losses, process strong emotions, forge new boundaries and gently embed new habits and patterns of behaviour.
What is EMDR?
Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a treatment for the relief of trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that involves memory reprocessing.
The client safely recalls distressing memories while the therapist directs bi-lateral movements which calm the nervous system. Throughout, Jane uses various scales to measure downward shifts in distress levels.
Bilateral stimulation (e.g., side-to-side eye movements) helps the brain process and integrate traumatic memories, reducing their emotional charge. This structured process also empowers clients to reframe negative beliefs.
A body of empirical evidence has led many health organisations, including the NHS and the World Health Organisation, to approve EMDR as an effective treatment for trauma.
Psychologists have locked out hypnotherapists from EMDR training programmes and accrediting bodies (although EMDR is allied so closely to hypnosis). Jane has been trained by accredited trainer, and war veteran and military and Neuropsychologist Doctor Marc Johnson, and is insured to deliver EMDR.
What is Rewind Trauma Therapy?
Rewind Trauma Therapy, or the Rewind Trauma Technique, is a practical, simple, somatic healing process that works with your neurology to help you painlessly re-process traumas.
Rewind Trauma Therapy (RTT) was founded and developed by Dr David Muss in the early 1990s. RTT is internationally recognised as indispensable in the treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Rewind, the "Closure without Disclosure" therapy, minimises the chances of being retraumatised and does not require clients to recount or discuss traumas.
Current research undertaken by Dr Muss at Cardiff University has demonstrated that three or fewer sessions result in positive outcomes for clients with single event traumas in 85% to 90% of cases. RTT is also effective for resolving simple phobias and is suitable for single event traumas, PTSD and, in some cases, CPTSD.
If you want to understand better exactly how the technique works click on the link below. Here Dr Muss explains his technique very clearly, using a single event trauma to illustrate his process.
Dr Muss Explains his Rewind Trauma Therapy process
Jane has been trained by Dr Muss in person, and has experienced the Rewind Trauma Technique from him directly.
“I wouldn’t be half the person I am now without Jane, I truly account her for saving my life and allowing me to live a life off tablets, whilst finding the true meaning of happiness in myself.”
Rewind Trauma Therapy for Complex Trauma
For complex trauma, the Sense-Ability Trauma Recovery Pathway includes gentle guided meditations to ease clients down to the natural alpha brain-wave state, with carefully crafted trauma aware hypnotic suggestions.
Jane has refined and developed Dr Muss’ Rewind Trauma Technique Appendix D for resolving multiple event or complex traumas.
The client creates an imaginary film of a series of key traumatic memories like a movie trailer.
Then the client rewinds the scenes back to a place of relative safety, either looking through their own eyes, or from the distanced perspective, depending on the nature of the trauma.
Safety Precautions
Jane’s adaptations minimise the potential for re-experiencing past traumas and ease clients into the process safely eg using imaginary drones, ‘blowing’ the roof off a building, or watching on a small screen at a distance. These adaptations don’t appear to affect the efficacy of the process but make it feel safer.
Trauma Informed
Jane is trauma informed, with a Trauma Informed Certificate for Coaches from the Centre for Healing.
Jane works with compassion, listening to clients’ needs, and makes adaptations to minimise the risk of being triggered eg sharing scripts before sessions, discussing possible triggers, adding in distancing techniques and teaching self-regulation tools.
Jane adapts scripts and creates personalised language patterns that reassure clients they always have a choice. When emotional responses that arise are valid, Jane validates, reassures and co-regulates.
Jane moves at each client’s pace and work with grief and loss that arise when deep rooted traumas are resolved. The process works well alongside other somatic healing methods and therapies.
See Overcome Trauma with Hypnotherapy and Rewind Trauma Therapy.
Jane does not claim to cure, nor diagnose trauma, PTSD or CPTSD. She works with each client’s own assessment and perspective, and their own ability to heal.
What is Time Line Therapy™?
Time Line™ Therapy helps to resolve negative states and emotional baggage using an internal time line. Clients painlessly process emotions like anger, rage, sadness, hurt, regret, fear, guilt and remorse linked to past events by unblocking and resolving unwanted emotions that feel out of proportion and out of control.
Time-Line therapy can bring relief and peace, often in just one session.
Part of a Sense-Ability Pathway
Please note, at Sense-Ability, Time-Line Therapy is usually part of a therapeutic journey and in general Jane does not deliver this therapy as a stand-alone therapy.
What is Neuro-linguistic programming?
Neuro-linguistic programming or NLP is a psychological approach to changing the way we think, behave and react. Using the way the human brain responds to language patterns, NLP helps release stuck or negative patterns of behaviour such as self-limiting beliefs (I am not good enough), fears (public speaking, interviews) and creates new strategies to help people realise their goals and aspirations.
Jane is a qualified and accredited NLP Practitioner and uses the techniques to help people with studying and exams, business goals, communications and specific goals; often alongside Hypno-Coaching.
What is the EFT Tapping Technique?
The EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), known as tapping, is a powerful, simple process that combines principles of psychology with ancient Chinese acupressure. Tapping helps to calm the central nervous system, and tone the vagus nerve and stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system to quickly calm, soothe and give clients back control.
At Sense-Ability, tapping is used as a supportive therapy to help clients struggling with triggers, external stresses and unexpected distressing events. The client learns to use this useful tool to transform difficult emotions in real time.
Jane is accredited to deliver EFT by CTAA.
What is Coaching and Hypno-Coaching?
Sense-Ability Coaching presupposes you, the client, has the solutions to your own challenges within you. Solution Focused processes empower clients to uncover their authentic values, beliefs and motivations and to create a positive cycle of thoughts, actions and interactions that helps them define and create the future they want.
Sense-Ability’s unique approach
Sense-Ability’s unique coaching, combines elements of NLP, Time Line (TM) Therapy, Solution Focused questioning and coaching. An ideal process for clients wishing to define and realise professional, career or lifestyle goals.
Underpinned by Neuroscience
Sense-Ability Solution Focused therapies are rooted in neuroscience. In your first consultation, you will learn how the brain works, how anxiety, depression, phobias, feel and OCD are created and how Sense-Ability help you resolve them.
Across the UK, Europe & the USA
For all practical and legal purposes, overseas clients are choosing to undertake Hypnotherapy in the U.K. USA clients are accepted from States where Hypnotherapy is explicitly or presumed to be unregulated.
Am I ready for Solution Focused work?
Solution Focused approaches can be helpful for anyone, however there are times when we feel the compelling need to explore and express what we feel and think, and to process what has happened in the past.
Traditional methods of counselling and psychotherapy can be helpful at times of crisis or confusion, or where there has been abandonment, enduring trauma, toxic shame and hidden traumas such as racism, homophobia, bullying at work or narcissistic abuse and we are trying to make sense of what has happened.
We all need to be seen and heard, and to feel validated and believed. I have a level 2 counselling certificate and can ‘hold the space’ should you just need to talk for a session and to be fully heard. However, if you feel you need to understand and analyse your feelings in more depth before thinking about moving on, a qualified counsellor or psychotherapist specialising in talking therapies may be very helpful in the first instance
When you are ‘all talked out’ and feel like you understand the what, where, when and why, or you feel you are going round in circles and therapy is not helping you resolve you issues, then Solution Focused and somatic approaches may be the way forward.
When feel ready to move forward, I am here to compassionately, gently support you as take those next steps forward to a better future.
Professional Integrity
I am fully trained and accredited to deliver therapies on this website by appropriate respected professional bodies (see footer). I do not offer regression. I do not claim to cure. Any transformations that take place are down to the client’s ability to heal or resolve and results cannot be guaranteed. Always check the training and accreditations of therapists before working with them.
“You can’t control the world, but you can change the way you react to it.”
Your Medical History
If you have a diagnosed mental health issue, Jane may need to contact your psychiatrist before working with you. Jane is DBS checked to work with vulnerable adults. Jane reserves the right to decline working with a client if she believe her services are not appropriate.
The Insitute of Solution Focused Hypnotherapy -
Jane Pendry
Sense-Ability Hypnotherapy & Coaching
Wheatley, Oxford, OX33 1XJ
+44 (0)7843 813 883
Photos (c) Unsplash